Pleat Coolers Designed with performance and areas of use like plate heat exchangers - but with cleaning and maintenance simplicity, more in line with replacing air filters. Applicable areas The Pleat Cooler is designed for the same areas of use as gasketed plate heat exchangers – a wide range of industrial applications. Challenging fluids, process criticality and continuity all mean good fit for Pleat Coolers. Unique features The Pleat Cooler has unique features that simplify cleaning and maintenance. -Make it easy on the crew and easy on the budget! Tested technology Pleat Coolers are made for harsh conditions and critical processes, and has been through comprehensive lab and in-house testing and full scale field tests and operation. Pleat Cooler VS Plate Heat Exchangers (PHE) Product range Pleat Coolers cover a product range from DN65 – DN200 ports, and 1,8 – 137m2 pr. single cooler.